
Devii consists of a set of core features, “Devii Core”, with additional functionality available in “packages”. Devii Core is responsible for the basic GraphQL schema generation, querying, and mutation, as well as handling of tenants, roles, role classes, and policy rules. It is Core that does the basic work of presenting the API for each tenant. Core also contains the parser and evaluator for the expression language used in query filtering and policy rules.

Beyond this, the following packages have been implemented, offering additional functionality:

  • Multimedia: Associates files stored in a backing file store with table records. At the GraphQL API layer, this appears as though the files are “stored on” the record; the files are presented for download using signed URLs. New file associations are similarly presented for upload as signed upload URLs. This is implemented using the Cloudstorage library. The backing file store can be a cloud storage system, such as Azure Blob Storage, Google Cloud Storage, Amazon S3, or it can be an on-premises file storage system.
  • Geospatial: Adds geospatial data types (geometry and geography) to those exposed via GraphQL and makes geospatial functions available for use in query filters. Geometry types are represented as sub-types on the record, with fields representing their attributes such as spatial reference identifier, geometry in OGC Well-Known Text format, centroid, and envelope (bounding box). Geospatial queries can make use of geospatial functions exposed in the API via a whitelist.
  • Geoimaging: Leverages capabilities of the multimedia and geospatial packages to allow rendering geospatial rasters, as well as performing image processing. This is implemented using the process rules engine.
  • Alerts: Allows for notifications to be sent out via email or SMS when changes occur to a given table. This is implemented using process rules.
  • Reporting: Generation of formatted and styled HTML/PDF reports, using templates written using Javascript. This is implemented using process rules.
  • Financials: Allows for mutations to require payment via a payment gateway processor; our initial choice is the NMI-compatible API from BNG Holdings, Inc. The Financials package enables the purchase of content (database or file) via the Devii API, running credit card or electronic check transactions for purchases of physical goods for a point-of-sale system, as well as saving payment methods and setting up recurring subscriptions. This uses process rules.
  • Aggregate queries: Server-side aggregates can be called on tables or views, returning JSON results. The aggregates may be run on a filtered subset of a table, using the expression language to perform filtering, and may be grouped by other columns in the table. The exported aggregates are currently avg, count, max, min, and sum; other to be added later, as needed.
  • Function and procedure calls: Database functions which return values or sets, and stored procedures, may be exported through the GraphQL API, with access control provided by the policy rule engine. This allows for complex internal logic to be stored in the database and called externally, rather than requiring that logic to live in the application; any application that would make use of database functions can leverage this feature.

Future packages:

  • Analytics: OLAP-style query functionality. Window functions, grouping sets, ROLLUP, and CUBE will be available. This will be implemented using the function whitelist and extensions to the expression language syntax, as well as providing additional autogenerated fields on GraphQL types. This is a planned, but currently unscheduled, feature.
  • Advanced Connectivity: Cross-tenant interaction, where a role in one tenant can query tables from another, according to both local and remote policy rules. This will use two new concepts: the host tenant (who is exposing some of their tables) will create “foreign roles”, at least one for each tenant who is to have guest access to their schema; and then the guest tenants will have a “gateway” object that will expose the foreign tables in their schema. This will be implemented using a combination of policy and role extensions. This is a feature in the concept stage, but development will depend on customer demand.
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